The types of porn stars

How to Pick a Porn Star Name

How to Pick a Porn Star Name? Well it isn’t an easy decision, but with these helpful tips and guidelines you’ll absolutely be on the right track to picking the best name possible.

Your name is more than just your identity. As a porn star it will become your brand and your brand is what will make you money. Your brand is everything. Your name – your face – your body – your smile – it’s your brand and again it all starts with your name.

That’s why it is so important you don’t make a critical misstep and give yourself the wrong name.

A common mistake people make is to name themselves after celebrities, celebrity kids or even well known brand names like cars. ie: Lexus, or Mercedes.

With celebs you want to avoid kids names like Blue Ivy or Jaden James (Brittney Spear’s kid). And don’t use similar names either like Mariah Carey – Mary Carey. That will get you sued too!

This is a huge mistake that so many people make and some people won’t even book you for work as a result out of fear of getting sued for trademark infringement.

Beyond losing out on jobs, you could get sued yourself.  It’s not uncommon for celebrities and established companies to sue the hell out of porn stars who try and infringe on their trademark. It’s happened many times in the past and will continue to happen as long as people keep doing it.

Long story short – don’t name yourself after someone or something.

Plus, the whole point is to build up YOUR brand. You want YOUR brand to be unique and identifiable only with you. The bigger your brand, the more money you will make. If your brand is to much like someone else’s it could cause confusion and in the end, cost you money or fame.

The lesson here is, you want your name to be uniquely yours.

I’m sure by now you have a name in mind. If you do, that’s great. Let’s Google it. What comes up? Anyone famous? If not then that’s good. Again you don’t want to name yourself after anyone famous or their kids.

Now Google your selected name with the words Porn Star in front of it. For example if your picked name is Kelli Roberts then Google Porn Star Kelli Roberts. Does anything come up? If so then you don’t want to pick that name. If there isn’t anyone in the adult industry with that name then so far so good!

Now obviously since my name is Kelli Roberts you don’t want to pick that one. But you get the point. 🙂

Next go to the website and search your selected name. Anything come up there? If not then you are pretty good. That website has a database of pretty much every porn star for the last 30 years.

Now what if you just flat out can’t come up with anything? I like the site Character Name Generator. It basically is a massive database of all kinds of names. Maybe if you visit that site you’ll get some ideas.

Now when you find a name I want you to remember the rules of marketing – KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID! (KISS)

What that means is, you don’t want to go out of your way to confuse people, now do you?

So when it comes to your name, you want to pick something easy and use the common spelling. For example, if you like the name Amy, then use the most common spelling – AMY. Don’t spell it Ami or Aimee. That will only confuse the hell out of people and that’s a bad thing. You want your fans to find you when they Google you, don’t you?

You’d be surprised how something as simple as the way you spell your name can really hurt your brand.

Even worse, if your name is complicated, you can bet that studios will spell it wrong on the box covers of movies you are in. Trust me, that happens more than you know. Just ask someone like Mckenzee Miles. Her name is misspelled all the time.

The Rules of Picking a Porn Star Name

  • #1 Don’t name yourself after anyone famous or their kids (exact match or similar)
  • #2 Don’t name yourself after an established brand like Lexus or Coke or Pepsi or Mercedez. They will sue the hell out of you.
  • #3 Don’t pick the same name as another porn star
  • #4 Don’t spell your name in a confusing way. Simple is always better.