Instead of me just telling you what it’s like to be a porn star, I thought we would take a moment to actually speak with some real ones and let the true professionals answer some of your questions.
Answering your questions will be Nick Manning, Audrey Hollander and The Love Twins. All of them have been in the business for years and have made more adult movies than I could even count. Nick Manning was recently inducted into the AVN Hall of Fame. Audrey Hollander is a former AVN Female Performer of the Year and The Love Twins are identical twin sisters who were former Vivid Girls. I’ll be reaching out to my other porn star friends in the future and adding them too so they can answer more questions as they come in.
If you want to submit a question to be answered by a real porn star then click here to contact us and submit your questions.
What was it like doing your first scene in porn?
Audrey Hollander (@RealAudreyXXX) I think it was easier for me than for most people because prior to filming my first scene for the public, I practiced with my real-life husband at the time. We would have sex and film it, then watch it and see what we could do better. I probably did this hundreds of times before I went public, so to speak.
Do you need an agent to be in porn?
Nick Manning (@RealNickManning) You don’t need to do anything in porn except keep your dick hard and show the fuck up on time. The question is, can you do better without an agent? Can you book yourself more work than they can for you? Most of the time the answer to that is, of course not. They have all the connections. Also I personally don’t want the hassle of some fuckers calling me to try and book a scene, then calling me later to tell me what time and where to go and then calling me later to ask me some other dumb ass question. I just let me agent handle all that shit. With an agent, I also don’t have the hassle of someone trying to cut a deal for my rates. If they want some kind of deal they have to work that out with my people. I don’t have time for all that shit. I just want to show up on set and do my job. I don’t want to spend hours talking about it.
Audrey Hollander (@RealAudreyXXX) I don’t use an agent but I also don’t film a lot of scenes. I work with a handful of companies and when I want to make some money I just pick up the phone call someone like and say hey, what do you have for me? But then again I’ve also been in the business for a long time and have proven myself. I think when you are first starting out it would be pretty hard to find work on your own without someone to do it for you.
The Love Twins (@TheLoveTwins) When we first got into the business we got hooked up with a real low life. No, he wasn’t a licensed agent but we didn’t know better. That was a huge mistake. We were like oh he wants to make us famous? Ok cool, we’ll sign here and give you the rights to us for the next 5 years. In hindsight that was totally stupid of us. If you are going to use an agent then sign with a company that is legally licensed. If they want to be your manager that’s how they get you. Avoid that. That’s just code for not being legit. You don’t need a manager to be in porn. What you need is an agent who is legally allowed to help you book work. That’s all. And never sign for years. We were really stupid about that. If you have to sign a contract, never ever do it for more than 1 year at a time, no matter how good of a deal it may sound at the time.
Are there other ways to make money besides doing scenes?
Audrey Hollander (@RealAudreyXXX) Are you kidding? Of course! There are so many ways to make money besides just doing movies. Doing movies is really only the launching pad to get your name out there and then you use that fame or notoriety to make the real money.
It’s different for males than it is for females. But for women we can run our own websites, do live cam shows, private shows on Skype. Women can also make a lot of money touring the country as a feature dancer. Not only will they make money the club pays them to appear, but tips from the fans as well as the money you make from selling autographed movies and headshots at the club. There are some girls who make 10 times the money they do dancing than they do making movies. But then again they make that kind of crazy cash dancing because they make the movies in the first place.
Both males and females can also make money by doing signings at local adult stores and by selling branded items like sex toys with their names on it. So yeah, there are a lot of ways you can make money by being a porn star. Making movies is just the tip of the iceberg.
What’s the #1 advice you would give someone just starting out in porn?
The Love Twins (@TheLoveTwins) Don’t go crazy with your money. You really need to think about your future. You aren’t going to be able to do porn forever and because you did porn your future career options become limited as well. So invest wisely in your future and save lots of money. My sister and I used our money to pay for our education and we invested 15% of everything we made during the entire time we were in porn. So many porn stars are broke because they aren’t smart about their money and yet they make so much of it.
Dillion Harper (@DillionHarper) Never sign anything without reading it first. Also always get a copy of anything you sign and keep it. You never know when you need to refer back to it. When it comes to contacts never agree to sign anything for more than one year. If someone tries to pressure you to sign for more than a year then walk away. Trust me when I say, never ever sign anything for more than a year.
Miranda Miller (@MirandaMillerxx) Take your social media serious. It’s part of your job. It’s not your personal counselor. Always stay positive and professional on your timeline. Don’t discuss drama or have emotional outbursts on twitter. Producers do look at your feed and you don’t want something you said to cost you jobs.
Do you worry about STDs filming so many movies?
Audrey Hollander (@RealAudreyXXX) No way. All porn stars are regularly tested – most every 2 weeks. You can’t work and not be tested for STDs. The real problem isn’t having sex with porn stars, it’s when you have unprotected sex with some guy you picked up in a bar. It’s important that if you want to stay clean and you aren’t having sex with a porn star, who you know is regularly tested (because all porn stars have to be tested), then use a condom. If you don’t want to get an STD then don’t pick up strangers and have unprotected sex with them.
Miranda Miller (@MirandaMillerxx) You can’t just take someone at their word. Just because they say they are STD free or that they are tested doesn’t mean it’s true. You have to see the test with your own eyes and even then don’t fully trust it. Go check it’s validity online for yourself. I like to use Talent Testing for this reason. You can scan the test with your phone and make sure the test someone is showing you is legit and valid. Never do a scene with anyone without first checking their test.